
Swag Glossary

Swag treatments are popular due to their versatility. The many individual components available can be combined to create an infinite number of beautiful, formal, and casual styles.

Swag: A horizontal element in which the fabric is pleated or gathered into soft folds that are longer in the center than at the sides.

classic overlapping swags

Pelmet: A horizontal or vertical element consisting of a flat, stiffened panel of fabric usually cut in a decorative shape.

pelmet valance window treatment

Cascade: A vertical element in which the fabric is folded or gathered at the top. The fabric creates a zigzag effect between the long and short points of the tapered hem. Cascades are generally used at the sides of a swag or pelmet (sometimes called tails).

Tail: A flat vertical element usually cut in a decorative shape at the end and hung between swags or pelmets.

wide cascade tailsnarrow cascade swag tailsfish tail cascade tail

Jabot: A vertical element in which the fabric is flat or conical in shape. It is usually placed between swags or pelmets (sometimes called horns or trumpets).

center swag tailsswag and tail window treatmentswag and tail window treatment

Scarf swag: Made of a continuous length of fabric that is then draped over a pole or swag holders to create the desired look.

pole swag window treatment


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